City of West Sacramento
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Residential Services
West Sac residents can now visit to schedule bulky waste pickups, replace carts and request cart repair. Simply visit and enter your address to begin!
Residential curbside services include:
- Weekly collection of trash, mixed recycling, organics and bi-monthly collection of used motor oil and filters by appointment.
- Residents may choose from 35 gallon, 64 gallon or 96 gallon sized carts.
- Please refer to the fee schedule to determine current service fee.
Our sorting guide is available in English, Spanish and Russian.
You can view all of your services by viewing the Residential Brochure here.
Smart Truck in the Residential Sector
When organic and recycling materials are dumped in landfills, they create air pollutants and methane, a climate super pollutant. Senate Bill 1383 addresses this issue by increasing standards for diverting organics and recycling from the landfill.
In order to do our part, and to address neighborhood issues like odor and litter, the City is launching Smart Truck. This program uses cameras on garbage trucks to ensure residents are sorting their waste properly, and avoiding overfilling their carts. For more details, please take a look at this Smart Truck Fact Sheet, as well as this FAQ.
Do your part by reviewing the West Sac Sorting Guide! Here are a few tips to get you started:
1) Did you know that plastic bags do not belong in the recycling cart? It's true! Simply dump your recyclables into the cart, no bag needed.
2) If you regularly overfill your recycling or organics carts, order a few more at no cost. Limit four per type.
3) If you find you don't need such a big trash cart, reach out to WM to get a smaller one and save money each month! See "Contact" section above.
Cuando los materiales orgánicos y reciclados se arrojan a los vertederos, se generan contaminantes atmosféricos y metano, un supercontaminante climático. El Proyecto de Ley del Senado 1383 aborda esta cuestión aumentando los estándares para desviar los orgánicos y el reciclaje del vertedero.
Para hacer nuestra parte y abordar problemas del vecindario como el olor y la basura, la Ciudad está lanzando Smart Truck. Este programa utiliza cámaras en los camiones de basura para garantizar que los residentes clasifiquen sus desechos adecuadamente y eviten llenar demasiado sus carritos. Para obtener más detalles, consulte esta hoja informativa sobre Smart Truck, así como estas preguntas frecuentes.
¡Haga su parte revisando la Guía de clasificación de West Sac! A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos para empezar:
1) ¿Sabías que las bolsas de plástico no pertenecen al carrito de reciclaje? ¡Es cierto! Simplemente arroje sus materiales reciclables en el carrito, no necesita bolsa.
2) Si regularmente llena demasiado sus carritos de reciclaje o de productos orgánicos, pide algunos más sin costo. Límite de cuatro por tipo.
3) Si descubre que no necesita un bote de basura tan grande, comuníquese con WM (Waste Management) para obtener uno más pequeño y ahorrar dinero cada mes. Consulte la sección "Contacto" más arriba.
Программа <<Умный Грузовик>> в жилых районах
Когда органические продукты и вторсырье выбрасываются на свалки, они загрязняют воздух и производят метан - суперзагрязнитель климата. Закон Сената 1383 (Senate Bill 1383) решает эту проблему повышая стандарты перенаправления органики и вторсырья со свалок.
Чтобы внести наш вклад и улучшить проблемы с запахом и мусором, город Западный Сакраменто начинает программу <<Умный Грузовик>> (Smart Truck). Эта программа использует камеры на мусоровозах, камеры которые проверяют если жители правильно отсортировали мусор и не переполнили баки. Для подробностей о программе Умный Грузовик, пожалуйста прочитайте информационный бюллетень (Smart Truck Fact Sheet) и часто задаваемые вопросы (FAQ).
Вы тоже можете помочь! Пожалуйста прочитайте инструкции по сортировке мусора в западном Сакраменто (West Sac Sorting Guide). Вот несколько советов для начала:
1) Знаете ли вы что пластиковые сумки и мешки не подлежат переработке? Это правда! Просто выбросите вторсырье в бак, без мешка.
2) Если вы регулярно переполняете баки для мусора или органических продуктов, закажите еще несколько бесплатных баков. (Ограничение четыре бака на каждый тип мусора.)
3) Если вам не нужен большой мусорный бак, обратитесь к компании WM чтобы получить бак меньшего размера, и вы сэкономите деньги каждый месяц! Смотрите "Контакты" раздел выше.Click the collection schedule to find the service day for your street. Please note: Curbside service is unaffected by holidays, with the exceptions of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Residents will be notified in advance of any changes to their pickup schedule as a result of these holidays.
For missed service and other trash needs, call WM directly toll free at (866) 844-1508. City Utility Billing will take all billing related calls at (916) 617-4589.
Legislation designed to cut greenhouse gas emissions is now in effect. Learn more about how you can help.
Visit the SB1383 page to learn more about specific program requirements.
Bulky Waste Pick Up Appointment Service
West Sacramento residents are eligible for two bulky waste pick up appointments per year, between July 1 and June 30, for items too large to fit in a curbside cart. For more information or to schedule a bulky waste pick up, call Waste Management toll free at (866) 844-1508. You can also visit Waste Management's West Sacramento page.
Landfill Voucher
If you have used your two bulky waste pick up appointments for the year and still have bulky items to dispose of, call Environmental Services at (916) 617-4590 and request a landfill voucher. Some restrictions apply.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Service
Residents are also eligible for two special collection appointments of Household Hazardous Waste per year, between July 1 and June 30. Call Waste Management toll free at (800)449-7587 to schedule an appointment or visit them online at
Fats, Oils and Grease
Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) are a natural by-product of cooking and preparing food. Sources of FOG include food scraps, meat fats, cooking oil, lard, baked goods, salad dressings, sauces, dairy products, shortening, butter and margarine. Proper disposal of FOG is important. Review this material for tips on saving our pipes and sewer lines!
Used Oil and Filter Collection
Waste Management will provide used oil containers and filter bags. Residents may recycle up to two (2) gallons of used oil each month using this service. Residents must call to make an appointment. Used oil must be poured into provided containers. Call (866) 844-1508 to request a container and filter bag.
Good Neighbor Program
Illegal dumping is an eyesore. Roadside furniture, appliances and tires, to name a few, do nothing to enhance a neighborhood. The County of Yolo has a program that can help. Residents may take illegally dumped items found in unincorporated areas to the landfill - free of charge. In addition, the resident will be given a coupon good for disposal of their own waste. Just for being a Good Neighbor! The County implemented this program to reduce the amount of money the Roads Division spends cleaning up illegal dumping. Residents are requested not to pick up hazardous waste and are asked to complete a form that includes describing the location where the material was collected.
If you would like more information about this program, contact the Yolo County Central Landfill at 530-666-8729 or visit their website.